The Peter Schlendorf Foundation
About Us
Statement of Purpose
The Peter Schlendorf Foundation was founded to honor our Son / Brother / Friend Pete who died at the age of twenty after ingesting an over-the-counter herbal supplement that contained ephedrine. Pete was a graduate of Northport High School and a student at the University at Albany at the time of his death. He was active in athletics and in theatre productions in both high school and college and a founding member of his fraternity. Pete was a young man who enriched the lives of those around him and took great pleasure in helping others. He was bright, talented, athletic, outgoing, and as good a person and friend as you could ever know.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of this Foundation to enable the students of our community to reach their goals and dreams. We fund several scholarships in Pete’s name and have given out $80,000.00 in scholarship awards. We also accept applications from individuals who have a concern about unmet needs of any young person, needs that would interfere with the success of that person. For example, we have funded a sports wheelchair to enable a young man to participate in a handicapped basketball league. We have also funded a science research summer program for a gifted student who could not afford to attend and have funded an early literacy program at the Dolan Health Clinic. Our focus is to help the young people of our community although the manner in which we may accomplish this will change each year.
Check out our Newsletter to learn about our scholarships and ways to donate!
Latest News
The Peter Schlendorf Foundation is on Amazon Smile! This means that when you designate us as your selected charity, we receive a donation from Amazon on all purchases you're already making Please find us on Amazon Smile here!​​
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Scholar Spotlight
Congratulations to Northport High School's Emily Shuett, the recipient of the Peter Schlendorf Leadership Award. Emily demonstrated many of the attributes that made Peter so special. She is authentic, well respected by her peers and teachers, and passionate about giving back to her community. She wrote and directed two productions about teenage suicide that were presented at the Issues Conference this spring. Through her writing, she hopes to shed light on this difficult topic and how teenagers can fix their problems without resorting to extreme isolation. Emily will attend Molloy College in the fall and major in music therapy. Good luck to Emily!